Saturday 22 June 2013

It's a strange world we live in, can someone please explain the following: 1) why do men and women watch porn, yet if it was their daughter who was involved.....? 2) Why do people get drunk... to act stupidly, waste money, feel ill, have a hangover....? 3) Why do we fight illegal wars and are concerned when British citizens are killed but we don't seem to give a damn about the people whose country we are attaching? 4) why do we promote ourselves above others, not caring about the consequences to those concerned? 5) why do we take drugs and smoke when it is clear that they are killers and life destroyers? 6) why do we complain about the world that we live in, when it is us that have created it?!

Thursday 11 August 2011



Tuesday 2 November 2010


At the moment I am suffering some discomfort (pain).
I am a 14th century medieval reenactor. It is now our off season and as a result I have not worn armour for 2 months. Last weekend however I did so for a charity gig and now my muscles are complaining.
Likewise spiritually I have been dormant. Now I am reengaging with the creator and the process is somewhat uncomfortable.
Pain is a necessary sensation, it lets us now one of two things, either something is wrong or work is being done and sometimes both at the same time. It can also be self inflicted due to a lack of wisdom. While the experience is not enjoyable I know that the end result will be to my benefit. Healing is a painful experience, wisdom is what we need to avoid making the same painful mistakes.

Sunday 31 October 2010


It's a strange thing, how people focus on the differences between them.
The most obvious being religion.
Here are three cases: Christians, Jews and Muslims.
Here are three groups of people who can trace their roots back to Genesis and all the way foreword to Abraham in the old testament. A history of believing in God, the same God.
War is a product of people disagreeing over something and not being able to come to an amicable resolution.
Isn't it time we realised who we are and not let other people or the media try to impose on us their own views and versions of reality.
There is only one truth I know for sure, and that is God is love.
So lets act in Love, or join the rank an file of hypocrites that claim to believe in God but act contrary to who He is.
Peace be with you and us all.