Friday, 20 April 2007


To have insight into anything, requires a deeper understaning than just knowledge. Insight is an ability to live and breath situations on an emotional and spiritual level beyond every day living, but where does it come from? I believe I have insight into the Cordell plays that I am learning, but what asures me that I am right on any level.
Does insight flow naturally from us, or is there more at work here? Is it possible that there is another source to our revelations. We must agree that we are not the making of ourselves. Can we take credit for the colour and beauty of your eyes, when we clearly had nothing to do with their creation.

Our abilities, no matter what they may be, surely are beyond our own understanding, we just accept them for what they are.
Insight is a gift, and like all gifts, we have had no hand in their creation, but we do have the responsiblity to use them wisely and correctly.


I am currently learning my lines for several parts of three of Alexander Cordell's books: "The fire people", "Rape of the fair country" and "Song of the earth. A task to which I am not best suited. I was never any good at remembering stuff at school and as a result hated exams and pritty much hated school, which is quite strange as I am now a teacher myself. Anyhow, I had a practice tonight with the rest of my thespian friends and it actually went very well, which is just as well as our performance is in two weeks time.

Wednesday, 18 April 2007


There are many different paths that we can take, and the possibilities are mind boggling to say the least. Just by leaving the house a minute earlier a whole different set of events will play out, which will in turn affect your whole day, which will in turn affect the month, the year, your life. So how can we possibly make decisions on the right way to go? How arrogant would we need to be to believe that we can control our destiny by our own thoughts and actions, when we clearly have no idea what the next minute will bring.

The future is beyond our understanding therefore, no matter how well we believe we have planned it, it is certain that it will be different to the one we envisaged. "A way" to live our life is haphazard at best and foolish to any logical way of thinking.
The only option then must be to choose "The Way" designed and specifically tailored to us personally, and no human is capable of giving us that!


We are all alive, a statement that we must agree on, or are we?

Is life the same as existence? I exist but does that mean I am alive? A stone exists but we dno't say that it has life.

To exist is to be, to occupy a space, but to have life surely is to fulfill your purpose in your existence. So how can we know what our purpose is? No other person can tell us as they do not know their own, and you can only teach what you know yourself.

We must therefore look further and deeper within us to discover the truth about who we are and in that, we will discover Life, for life is in us.


We all have faith of one sort or another. But how far does that faith go? I have faith that my car will start tomorrow to get me to work, but the car could let me down and then it could be said that my faith has let me down or even failed me.

So is my faith misplaced if it can let me down? We all have to deal with this issue of faith on a daily basis - and it could be said that we are all let down on a daily basis.
So if faith in things and people that fail is misplaced, then where should it be placed? Surely we are actually talking about trust and not faith, as faith will always come through, or else it was misguided and without merit.
Faith placed in things that can let us down is surely absurd. So while we may trust in things and people, to have faith in them is asking too much, as all things on this earth are fallible, i.e. all things and people on this earth are capable of breaking down.

Faith surely must always be in something that goes beyond what we attribute to trust. Faith must be the truth or it is nothing.


What is the truth?
Is it the same as fact?

Science has come up with many facts over the years, but these seem to have changed as time has moved on. It also gets confused with theory. Science once theorized that we evolved from apes and this some how entered the general public's mind as fact. Science however no longer believes this to be true.
Here is another case in point. Science once stated that the speed of light was a constant, this theory also has been ditched as they now believe that the speed of light decreases as it passes a strong magnetic field.
Truth, if it is anything, surely is never changing and never contradicts itself, something that science does on a near monthly basis. By this calculation alone we must come to the conclusion that science is not truth. So what is?
The statement "What is true for you" must also be reasoned as being unacceptable as that implies that truth varies depending on an individuals beliefs. What is actually being spoken about here is opinion based on circumstances and (genetics, if you adhere to such beliefs).
So truth can not be refuted, otherwise it is not the truth, merely an opinion or theory or (fact, also known as science)

Truth can always be challenged but will always stand any kind of test and it is what I try to live my life by: The Truth