Saturday, 12 May 2007


I believe I am at a crossroads. We all have these moments in life. Something inside us dies if we don't embrace and indeed activlly persue change.
What is it that compels us, why do we get board and uninterested in old things. Quite often we channel this feeling in the wrong direction. We change our car, change our kitchen, change all kinds of junk that we have bought, we even change our partners.
Maybe we should focus on our heart and it's desires instead of our mind, which very often runs after the next or latest or greatest fad or thing. Our mind will often decieve us as to the best course of action, where as our heart is connected to the truth, the core of who we are and where our destiny lies.

Tuesday, 8 May 2007


Sleep, to be reborn
Peaceful and content with him
Perfect in His arms

Monday, 7 May 2007


Waw, what a long day. Did the cordell festival today, it went very well.
We had to get up at 6am to drop off the kids with familly in order to arive at venue by 9am to set up and block out the stage. Got back home at 8pm.
Funny how feeling so tired can feel so good, too tired to write anymore........