Obviously fear can be a good thing, it stops us from doing stupid things, like putting our hand in the fire! It informs us that what we are about to do is likely to be harmful to us.
Fear however when it controls us, and stops us from being who we are, obviously is not good!
So having no fear in our lives is a good thing, but there is a problem, no fear means nothing to guide us. We need something to inform us to guide us into making the right decision.
That thing is wisdom - when in possession of information, we need to know how to act and react so that it will have the best possible outcome.
I am not so good at this. I tend to move straight to pain! That is I am in possession of information that is important to my life, but fail to use wisdom, I am aware (at least on some level) that the problem could well lead to pain for myself and my family, and I have no fear of it! It does not control my actions and thoughts. If I did succumb to fear it would certainly have a negative effect on me. Who I am as an individual would cease to be and now fear would become my master. Wisdom is what I am lacking. Having Wisdom as my master sounds a lot better than fear, don't you think?
16 years ago