Wednesday 27 May 2009

Quantum 3

Quantum 2

Quantum Physics

I love this stuff. Never thought I'd see the day that science would line up with God. This is the first of quite a few videos on the subject. Be warned - it may completely change your perception of reality!

Friday 20 March 2009


Where ever I go, what ever I do. I am blessed. I may not always like the process that I have to go through, but the end result is always to my benefit. I say this from experience.
I walk in permanent and perpetual grace and love and hope.
Yeah, I don't always understand why I have to go through some things, but my trust is always in God. He has never let me down and He never will. This is true for all who believe in him. It may not always look like God is doing the best for you, but I tel you now in my own life I have gone through some seriously difficult times; emotionally, physically, spiritually, mentally; and He has always got me through stronger and with a greater understanding of myself, other people and God.
The question is this, do we trust Him unconditionally, or do we limit Him with our own inadequacies and fears and mistrust.