Sunday, 20 May 2007


My wife has tagged me to do this, So here we go:
Eight random facts about myself

  1. I can't stand practical jokes, don't play one on me or anyone I know because the one I play on you in retaliation will be 100 times worse.
  2. In times of stress I can become very lethargic to the point of sometimes falling asleep
  3. I am rubbish at paper work (probably some weird psychological hang up from school)
  4. School - I hated it
  5. I hate injustice and unfairness, particularly to others
  6. I Love being a husband and a father
  7. I tend to do things to the extreme
  8. I am very forgiving (except to practical jokers. lol.)
  9. I would like to be more generous
  10. Most people find me unfathomable (even psychologists), I am unpredictable. Quite often even I don't know what I'm going to do or say next
  11. I can' spell for toffee
Oh dear! how predictably unpredictable of me, I seem to have run over my quota. lol