Saturday, 28 April 2007


It's a strong word, father, it congers up all kinds of feelings, about your own father and about being a father. Sometimes they are good feelings sometimes not so good. I've just been tidying up after my three daughters, who have been throwing dried sweet corn all over the floor. One of the youngest, 3 years old, is not happy that I have stopped her from doing what she thought was a most enjoyable activity. She is at this moment still screaming the place down in disgust.
It made me think about how God must feel when I ask Him to clear the messes that I have made. I am sure that He feels none of the aggravation that I do, (oh to be perfect). So many times I take God for granted. Granted that He will always love me, always do the best for me, always direct me to clear up after the mess I've made or do it for me when it is beyond my capability. I don't always like what God says to me, as just like my daughter I am quite happy in the mess that I have made.
God however, I am fully aware, is my Father and is only trying to teach me the the right way to act. Hopefully, as I grow I will continue learning to listen and obey my Father, Who I Love.

Wednesday, 25 April 2007


Beautiful and pure,
there is no other like you.
For you are my home

Tuesday, 24 April 2007


I was walking in Cardiff last night, and wherever I walked, people either avoided me, became silent as I approached, talked and laughed about me after I went by, or looked intimidated or even scared, and what did I do to invoke such feeling?
I wore, black shoes, black trousers and a white shirt, an innocuous set of items, but wait. Just add two more items, a full length, matrix style coat and a black Aussie hat and that was enough. I had now become the most dangerous being on the face of the planet........... An individual!
It would seem that unless we fit in, conform, and become clone-like, in some strange ritualistic club, then we are labelled trouble or weird or worse! All this just for dressing differently. Disagreement, and difference it would seem, is enough to incite the strongest feelings and as witnessed throughout the world, quite often enough to incite war

Sunday, 22 April 2007


Rooted, I am rooted in what passes all understanding,
I am rooted in what cannot be shaken.
When the jackals claw at my feet,
When the vultures are greedy for my soul,
I know that I am rooted.
I will not break, I will not fall,
I will not change to suit.
I am rooted in the one thing that will never change
and He is rooted in me.


We have all heard the stories of Noah and the Ark, but were you aware that the Ark, or at least the outline of the ark was found over 10 years ago in the mountains of Ararat. This piece of news was worldwide publicised for a few days in the papers and on television and then pretty much forgotten about.
Yesterday, with family and friends I visited Noah's arc zoo in Bristol, I am ashamed to say that my first thoughts when finding out it was run by Christians was "Oh no, it's going to be a bit rubbish." How wrong could I have been, I could wax lyrical about it's facilities and fill this site, but why not visit it yourself? Seeing is believing as they say, or maybe believing is seeing!

For more information on the Ark discovery visit