I am feeling a bit crap. There are certain situations that I am not good at dealing with. When talking to people about their problems I am usually pritty good, this however is not the case regarding my wife. Basically I'm crap at it. The sistuation is way to personal and I say completely the wrong thing. If only I could just shut my stupid mouth, but I so want to help and it just comes out all wrong!
Oh Lord give me wisdom or shut me up, Please!!!
16 years ago
wives are complicated people. just when you think you understand them the time of the month changes and you are back to square one. lol. flowers, chocolates, a meal etc always go down well (all three and you are onto a sure winner). Remember if you ever need to have a rant I am available for a game or two of pool (even though i know the chances of me winning are slim to none). you listened to me enough in the past. take care mate.
You are not so bad :)
Just stop trying to solve me!
OOOOOOOOOOOO V stop trying to solve her and save your sanity!!!! rofl. You know the way you look at your wife shows how much you adore her and sometimes just being there and saying nothing makes all the difference. Cook a meal, hoover the living room, little things count far more than big gestures or advice! You are a fab man!
I take it her Christmas present isn't getting much use right now? lololol
Listen to Sara, she knows what she's on about... cuz i sure as hell don't!
My advice would be go for a jog or have a wank (you just said 'chaarming' didn't you!)
both very viable and sensible options, though i daresay you are searching for more wholesome advice atm so i'll keep it schtum :p
just enjoy Ashburnidibublefun and i'm sure you'll have a clearer head for it all afterwards :)
the wisened Sage Frog has spoken, good night. x
my name was supposed to be 'Does it matter, you won't fucking publish it anyway' but it sent before i finished typing :s just to make that clear :D
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