Monday 2 July 2007


It's a funny thing. You think you know something, but in reality you are ignorant and have merely interpreted what you have heared or seen to be accurate without actually checking it up yourself. What I am actually talking about here is ignorance. That is coming to a decision on something by examining the things around it, instead of actually knowing the truth.
Similarly, extrapolation is a method of determining the next point or action by comparing it to the ones surrounding it.
So what can you extrapolate that I am going to talk about from what I have said and what you know about me.
Don't know? Not sure? Do you think you maybe somewhat inaccurate in your answer.
Actually it's, Daniel, as in Daniel and the lions den. Now some of you may have worked out that it was going to be Biblical. Some of you me even have worked out that it was going to be about Daniel (unlikely). But why Daniel?

Daniel has always been a bit of a mystery to me, there was one thing that I never understood. He was a man after God. He would not eat meat sacrificed to false Gods. He would not worship the Persian King and furthermore he continued to worship and pray to God at the potential cost of his life. A man obviously sold out for God, who would not bend or fuzz the lines just to get a good result. In short a man obedient to Gods word no matter what the cost, and so to my dilemma and confusion, why oh why oh why would a man like this consult the stars i.e. astrology, if the bible says not to. Which is what he clearly does.
Yesterday my wife and I were discussing Astrology and the fact that if used correctly can be accurate, not forgetting however that the bible says not to consult the stars! Or does it?

More on this soon........


Anonymous said...

Well done on adding a new post! Thought you had forgotten how, and such a big word too! I am impressed.
My site is finished (apart from the prices they'll be done tonight) when you get a moment of nothingness, take a look. Would appreciate feed back and a link from yours, especially as you are in several images.
Bye for now, keep up with the big words.

starinajar said...

but for great design advice consult 'star in a jar'!

(see what I did there?)
Sometimes, I'm pure genius!

Anonymous said...

Waiting for part two. I guess the use of big words strained your brain. Take it easy, you don't want to do permanent damage!
On the theme of stars, what about the Magi at the birth of Jesus? Did they not look to the stars for a sign that the messiah was coming? Then follow one to the place of his birth?
So it wasn't just Daniel...

Anthony (val) said...

That's true about the magi following the star, but little is known about their beliefs and whether or not they adhered to Gods word.