Sunday 29 July 2007


It's self explanatory, you would think.
The choice to do anything that you like.
For every choice taken however there is another that you did not.
Furthermore there are consequences for every act that we take and every decision that we make. So whilst freedom is the ideal it also imposes on us responsibility, i.e. the ability to respond to any given situation.
Furthermore freedom means sinless. We do not have the ability to remove our own sin ( remembering sin just means disobedience to God). Christ removed our sin for us, as He is the only one with this ability. We do have the ability however to respond to God or not. For a Christian this means obeying God. For a non Christian, it is deciding whether to believe in Christ as God and saviour. These two statements are not mutually exclusive, and continue to work together throughout our entire lives.
The key, as always is our heart. In the depths of our being who is it that we really are and what would we like to become. To reach these depths can be to say the least, difficult.
An alcohol advert for Heineken in the 80's went something like this " Only Heineken can do this, as it reaches the parts no other beer can reach".
Now substitute Jesus for Heineken and thing for beer , and now we have The Truth.
Or put another way:
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me".
Philippians 4:13