Friday, 7 December 2007


This is a dangerous post for me. This is deeply personal and yet here I am sharing it with whoever. I'm probably going to get people phoning me out of concern, but that's not what I need or want right now, so please DON'T.
In church my passion for God I would say is pretty obvious. My passion for my wife however maybe is not so obvious, they are however one and the same. I am a passionate person, I feel things deeply and I want the best for people.
In church last week I could not connect with God, it was too painful. You see at the moment my wife and I are not connecting. She has lost her trust in me due to a very long running misunderstanding of the nature of my love for God and her. The misunderstanding belongs to us both, I misunderstood the nature of my love for God and my wife and how these feelings were interwoven and indeed inseparable. She on the other hand saw this as a demonstration that my love and passion for her was diminished. The truth is my love and passion for her over this period was greater than it had ever been, so much so that I was willing to do what ever was necessary to build her up.
Unfortunately I got it somewhat wrong, suffice to say, without going into detail, this has had a very serious and detrimental effect on our relationship and consequently our relationship with God.
So take heed all you out there, understand the nature of your love for God and your spouse. It is interconnected and they cannot be separated without causing you, or your relationships serious damage. This has been the hardest lesson of my life, and I've had some pretty tough ones in the past.
Please ask God for revelation on this, it is actually the only thing that will change you. I am only here as a guide to warn you. If you want revelation God will give it to you, but be ready for pain and sorrow as well.
It's up to you, do you want the truth or just an easy time? Truth can kill, but it is also the life giver

My current favourite songs (in no particular order)

1. Evanescence - Bring me back to life
2. Creed - My sacrifice
3. Creed - One last breath
4. Creed - Who's got my back now
5. Amariah - Land of my fathers

Friday, 30 November 2007


No not the book, I mean I've just had some revelation on scripture. A blindingly obvious one.
Here's the scripture.

Ephesians 5

Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. 23For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. 24Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.

25Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her 26to make her holy, cleansing[b] her by the washing with water through the word, 27and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. 28In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. 29After all, no one ever hated his own body, but he feeds and cares for it, just as Christ does the church— 30for we are members of his body. 31"For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh."[c] 32This is a profound mystery—but I am talking about Christ and the church. 33However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.

Here's the revelation:

My relationship with my wife has been seriously out of wak, for many reasons that I am not going to mention as they are way too personal.

What I am specifically talking about is: "Husbands love your wives as Christ loves the Church"

This is a huge statement, just consider how Christ feels about His people and what he did for them.

His love has no bounds, He did what ever was necessary to protect his people. His people are His love and His passion, no other can take His place.

Yes, that's right He was willing to die, He was willing to put them first, and He did!

There is lot more I could say on this matter, but I will leave you men to consider it for yourselves.

The women out there can also consider what is said in the rest of the scripture.

They are all huge statements, not to be taken lightly, but to be given the utmost consideration and attention!

Monday, 26 November 2007


Where does our strength lie?
What will it stand up to?
How long before it fails?

If my strength is in my own ability then it will fail as I am finite and therefore so is my strength.
This is something I have known for many years but recently come to experience in a more acute and personal way. I have been battling with my own weaknesses and have found that I have come up short of my own expectations. Maybe they have been unrealistic expectations, but I have found that we all have unreasonable and unattainable pedestals that we have put ourselves and each other on!
I can not achieve these heights, and that, I sometimes find difficult to accept, particularly in regard to my marriage.

There is only one perfection that I know of, and He is my strength, and one who I must learn to rely on more and more.

Sunday, 28 October 2007

Fear and Wisdom

Obviously fear can be a good thing, it stops us from doing stupid things, like putting our hand in the fire! It informs us that what we are about to do is likely to be harmful to us.
Fear however when it controls us, and stops us from being who we are, obviously is not good!
So having no fear in our lives is a good thing, but there is a problem, no fear means nothing to guide us. We need something to inform us to guide us into making the right decision.
That thing is wisdom - when in possession of information, we need to know how to act and react so that it will have the best possible outcome.
I am not so good at this. I tend to move straight to pain! That is I am in possession of information that is important to my life, but fail to use wisdom, I am aware (at least on some level) that the problem could well lead to pain for myself and my family, and I have no fear of it! It does not control my actions and thoughts. If I did succumb to fear it would certainly have a negative effect on me. Who I am as an individual would cease to be and now fear would become my master. Wisdom is what I am lacking. Having Wisdom as my master sounds a lot better than fear, don't you think?

Friday, 28 September 2007

Close (instramental)

Saturday, 22 September 2007


Hope can sound like a very week emotion, it is used most often in a wishful way - I hope this will happen or I hope things will turn out ok. It all sounds so desperate, like wishing on a star.
The Hope in Christ is not the same. It is in truth the knowledge that Christ stands for us and that our destiny is with Him. Our Hope is eternal and never changing, it is safe in His hands, it can not be lost and is unshakable.
When everything around us is being attacked, when it all looks lost, when it seems there is nowhere to go, there is God! In the midst of it all. He may let us go to our lowest point, but no matter how it appears, He is for us, His Hope in us and for us is assured.

Psalm 42
Prayer To Be Home Safe Again
1 As the deer desires rivers of water, so my soul desires You, O God.
2 My soul is thirsty for God, for the living God. When will I come and meet with God?
3 My tears have been my food day and night, while men say to me all day long, "Where is your God?"
4 These things I remember, and I pour out my soul within me. For I used to go with many people and lead them to the house of God, with the voice of thankful joy, among the many happy people.
Why are you sad, O my soul? Why have you become troubled within me? Hope in God, for I will praise Him again for His help of being near me.
6 O my God, my soul is troubled within me. So I remember You from the land of the Jordan and the tops of Hermon, from Mount Mizar.
7 Sea calls to sea at the sound of Your waterfalls. All Your waves have rolled over me.
8 The Lord will send His loving-kindness in the day. And His song will be with me in the night, a prayer to the God of my life.
I will say to God my Rock, "Why have you forgotten me? Why do I have sorrow because those who hate me come against me with power?"
10 As a breaking of my bones, those who hate me speak sharp words to me. All day long they say to me, "Where is your God?"
11 Why are you sad, O my soul? Why have you become troubled within me? Hope in God, for I will yet praise Him, my help and my God.

Tuesday, 18 September 2007


It is said in scripture that Jesus made of himself no reputation. This of course is not to say that he didn't have one, only that he made very few declaration of who he was, he let His actions speak for Him.
Even though he walked among the Pharisees and Sadducee's (the religious leaders of the time), He was condemned by them for His every action, yet his only motivation was to serve God, to bring freedom peace and love and definitely not to bring condemnation. There is no condemnation for those in Christ!
Those who sow condemnation and accusation in others merely reap it in their own lives (you reap what you sow). The Pharisees and Sadducee's wanted to control people and God with rules and regulations and they judged them when they didn't adhere to these rules. Finally they killed God!
Do not judge or you will be judged. It is Gods right to judge, no one else's. If we seek God in truth and love then whatever we do in truth and love is acceptable to God.
So, we have a choice, do we accept the move of God or do we, like the Pharisees judge and decide that we do not recognise God in someone’s actions because it doesn't fit our picture of God, it doesn't adhere to what we believe God would do or say. How presumptuous and arrogant of us to believe that we know how God moves.
Jesus seeked unity with all, but when they accused and denied the move of God in Him, He rebuked them.
Unity is vital in the Kingdom of God, but when it is rejected then the time has come to shake the dust from your shoes and leave. It is not possible to be in unity with someone that doesn't want to be in unity with you.
The Pharisees are still among us today, let us not be one of them. Let us be unified with each other in truth and love. Amen

Friday, 14 September 2007


A Big thank you to everyone we met in the USA. Everyone was very helpful and generous and could not have made myself and my family feel more welcomed.
To those of you I gave a cd, hope you like it and remember to feel free to make as many copies as you like.

Tuesday, 4 September 2007


We're back and I'm wrecked. It all feels like some really strange long dream. But a good one.
Too nackered to say anymore!

Monday, 27 August 2007


Oh no! It's rained two days in a row and the temperature has gone right down.
That's right it rained for half an hour and the temperature is now 96. Oh how ever will I cope with this terrible weather. LOL.

Monday, 20 August 2007


No not the TV series, I mean we are lost. Me and my family took the Cady out for a little jaunt without the Yanks (actually their not yanks as they come from the south, but it sounds better). We've stoped here in a library to take a break and do some crucial top level blogging. Anyway I think were on the right path now so once we regroup and rethink our current location and destination, I'm sure we will reach our goal without any further deliberations or serious cock ups. You are now free to draw the many spiritual parallels that can be found.
That's it for now.

Sunday, 19 August 2007


Don't know what to say, having such a great time. God is good and blessess me on a daily basis. Had another great meeting today, way to much to write about. Man theese people are so giving and friendly, they have so much to offer and we need to embrace the move of God in their country.
Thats it for now.

Friday, 10 August 2007


Waw! Drove my first Cadillac today, big deal you say, but there is something about the iconic statement of cruising down the freeway in a Cadillac in the U.S.A. that defies explanation, you just have to do it to understand.
More on this later as food is ready, yum!

Food eaten, where was I.

The reason the USA exists as it does today is that it's foundation is based on Spiritual freedom. This is self evident to me as I travel around Alabama as the spiritual atmosphere is so lite and free, compared to South Wales, which is quite dark and oppressive. This of course you don't notice living In Wales as one acclimatizes very quickly.

The USA reminds me of a new Christian, not yet jaded and still on fire. The reality of course is not that positive, yet the spiritual contrast between these two places is undeniable.

The feelings I had driving a Cadillac, for me, embodies this freedom.

The freedom that the UK needs. The freedom to worship and explore God the way He always intended us to.

No matter what your polatics and your opinion of the USA, one thing is undeniable.

The foundation is Freedom in God!

Thursday, 9 August 2007


Man! It's Hot. Like standing in front of your oven as you open the door.
I never actually felt the need or want to come to the US, but now that I'm here, I've go to say that I love it. Only been here one day, but it already feels like home. Not that I'm planning on staying here, but the prospect would not make me unhappy.
Spiritually it feels very light and free.
Went to a great meeting last night, although I could barley stay awake as the Jet lag kicked in at about 6pm.
The people here are very friendly. Actually their attitude reminds me of Wales and the Welsh. Being Welsh myself, I guess is why it feels like home.

Wednesday, 1 August 2007



Praise the Lord
Praise the Lord thy God
Worship him
With all your heart

The King of Kings
Lift on High
Above all thing


Adonai, the righteous son of God is here
Adonai, bow down before the holy King
Adonai, the Glory of the Lord is upon you
Adonai, prepare the way for Adonai

Realms of glory

In realms of glory
I praise the Lord my God, my God
I sing a song of faith and love to the Lord my God

I dance upon the crystal sea
I swim into the (your) shore
I feel your love wash over me
Into your arms I fall

I dance upon the streets of gold
I'm led toward your throne
I hear your heart call out to me
You are my love

Tuesday, 31 July 2007


I am currently recording songs I have written over the last couple of months.
I have decided to put the lyrics on my blog instead of on the CD.
Three of the songs are available to download and the rest will be available to buy, though I haven't decided which way to go about this yet. Any suggestions on various ways to do this would be welcomed.

His name is Holy

Holy Holy is my God, His name it reigns on high
Holy Holy is my Lord the bright and morning star

For His name is Holy, His name is Holy

Holy Holy is my God, The glorious King of Kings
Holy Holy is my God, The righteous Lord of Lords
Holy Holy is my God, His name it reigns on high
Holy Holy is my Lord, The bright and morning star

For His name is Holy, His name is Holy

Holy Holy is my God, The righteous Lord of Lords
Holy Holy is my God, The glorious King of Kings

Land of my fathers

The land of my fathers
The home of the free
The spirit of ages
Of one century
On valley and hilltop
On see and on land
The heavens are pouring
From Gods mighty hand

And the light of truth
shall set us free

And the sun will rise
And the land will breath
In this place we will praise
in harmony
And all will stand
As one who believe
In this place we will praise
in harmony

Almighty God


All praise to you almighty God
Oh King of Kings oh Lord of Lords
All praise to you oh mighty God

All praise to you almighty God Oh King of Kings oh Lord of Lords
All praise to you oh mighty God


Shout it out
Praise His name
Lift your hands up to heaven
And sing it again

Mighty God
Glorious King
The name above all names
Above everything
Shout it out



Christ take my hand
Lead me to the promised land
Bring me closer to you

Lord lead me on
To the warmth of your embrace
Hold me now and forever


Christ my Lord for all eternity
Christ the only hope that I can see
Christ my Lord for all eternity
Bring me closer to you


Blessed king
The one who died for me
So I can live for ever

For God I stand
For God now lives in me
For now and forever

Monday, 30 July 2007

Glory to the Lord

Verse 1

Grace and mercy peace and love
Gods Kingdom living in everyone
The righteous saviour lives in me
He makes me whole and sets me free, sets me free


Sing Glory to the Lord
Sing mighty is our God
The Kingdom come Gods will be done
Sing Glory to the Lord


God incarnate walked this earth
To give us all our second birth
He took our sins and dried our tears
Took all our sorrows and all our fears, all our fears


Now heavens Glory shines through us
It pours through mercy grace and love
So lift your head and praise His name
The king of Glory ever reigns, reigns


Christ my saviour, Christ in me
Christ my Lord has set me free
So take this life for all to see
That Christ the saviour lives in me, lives in me

Spirit moving

There’s a fear that’s forming
Far from a distant shore
There’s a commune breathing
Life into the land once more
In a flash of lightening
In a blaze of fire
You could see their spirit moving
In a light that was so bright
You could see their spirit moving….

For the people of the Son
For the bullet from a gun
In a flash of lightening
In a blaze of fire
You could see their spirit moving
In a light that was so bright
From a dream that was so right
For the people of the Son
For the bullet from a gun

Sunday, 29 July 2007

Duw dyma fi (God here I am)

Duw dyma fi
Duw dyma fi
Duw dyma fi
Duw dyma fi

Iw fy annwyl
Iw fy cariad
Iw fy nerth


Verse 1

In the darkest hour He prayed
Is there any other way
Yet not my will, but yours be done
He wept on that fateful day


Crucified the Son of God
Crucified for me
Crucified the Son of God
Crucified for me

Verse 2

Bruised and tortured, stripped and scorned
He lay His own life down
Crying father forgive them for
They know not what they do

You are my God


You are my God, you are my Lord
You are my strength, my shield and my sword
You are the rock, on which I stand

You are my truth, you are my faith
You are the one who keeps me safe
You are my God, You are my Lord

Chorus 1

Praise be to the Lord
For He has delivered me
Praise be tho the Lord
My Lord
Praise be to the lord
For He has set me
Praise be to the lord
My Lord

Chorus 2

Praise be to the Lord
For He is my righteousness
Praise be tho the Lord
My Lord
Praise be to the lord
For He is my Holiness
Praise be to the lord
My Lord


It's self explanatory, you would think.
The choice to do anything that you like.
For every choice taken however there is another that you did not.
Furthermore there are consequences for every act that we take and every decision that we make. So whilst freedom is the ideal it also imposes on us responsibility, i.e. the ability to respond to any given situation.
Furthermore freedom means sinless. We do not have the ability to remove our own sin ( remembering sin just means disobedience to God). Christ removed our sin for us, as He is the only one with this ability. We do have the ability however to respond to God or not. For a Christian this means obeying God. For a non Christian, it is deciding whether to believe in Christ as God and saviour. These two statements are not mutually exclusive, and continue to work together throughout our entire lives.
The key, as always is our heart. In the depths of our being who is it that we really are and what would we like to become. To reach these depths can be to say the least, difficult.
An alcohol advert for Heineken in the 80's went something like this " Only Heineken can do this, as it reaches the parts no other beer can reach".
Now substitute Jesus for Heineken and thing for beer , and now we have The Truth.
Or put another way:
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me".
Philippians 4:13

Wednesday, 25 July 2007


Depending on where we live, different norms are imposed on us. What I mean by this is that we feel compelled to fit in with the accepted way of behaving, which spills into our daily life in every way conceivable.
Here's an example. I'm afraid I'm going to get a bit churchy now.
Last Friday a bunch of us were at a Christian retreat centre called Ffald y brenin. My wife was taking a study on dance and its importance in worship through self expression. An excellent study, even if i do say so myself. Anyhow the study is way too long to go into here but my point is this.
It would be quite bizarre would it not if Christians went to church to praise God on a regular basis and did not sing or pray or speak to God at all, surely one would wonder why they are going.
Aren't all facets of worship open to us at all times? So why is it that we consider the dancing to be for just for the so called dancers, if we were to expand on this then logically would should conclude that singing is just for the so called singers.
The answer is simple, it is cultural. In Africa it is the cultural norm to dance in celebration, praise and worship, it would be unthinkable not to - an oxymoron.
My countries culture, and in particular the church tries to suppress this need in us, how bizarre.
Christianity is freedom, if it is not then it is worthless.
In the words of Christ: John 8:36
"So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed."
A friend of mine goes goes to the same church I frequent and another elsewhere. She is an exuberant and passionate dancer as is her love for God. She was told that her dancing was demonic, and to stop.
Doesn't sound like freedom does it, but it does sound an awful lot like judgment.


Tuesday, 17 July 2007


On Saturday, three of us sat in the square in Neath town centre, drinking coffee and chatting. Well actually we were doing a bit more than that as we had a sign up saying "Dream interpretation and destiny words". The strange thing is we did neither of those things, we did however pray for people as that is what they wanted.
One woman came to us in her wheelchair, she couldn't speak very well, and was permanently wheelchair bound, it was quite difficult to understand what she was saying some of the time. Two things however were very clear, her love for Christ and her happiness with life. We asked her if she wanted prayer but she said she didn't need anything. She was utterly content with her situation regardless of external appearance.
A few minutes later a man sat to talk to us, he had just been released from prison for armed robbery. He spent the winters in jail and the summers sleeping in a bus stop shelter. I asked him why he didn't get help with housing from the council, he shook his head and said "na don't want that." He wasn't happy at all. He did however love Christ.
These two people were utterly different in situation and their approach to life. They both however had choice as do we all. We all have the ability to choose how we react to different situations.
We often make the wrong decision as it is our choice and not Gods. Stress can send us off the rails and into a myriad of bad decisions. Nevertheless the choice is still ours and God gives us the strength to do all things, the problem is we don't always want to do it Gods way.

Thursday, 5 July 2007

Extrapolation II

Omens, sorcery, divination, soothsaying, black magic, an observer of the times. These are some of the words that are used in Leviticus 19:26 and Deuteronomy 18:10, in various translations. It even says in one translation not to study the clouds.

Some extrapolation going on here?

Now here's the thing:

Mathew 16:3
"And in the morning, 'There will be a storm today, for the sky is red and threatening.' Do you know how to discern the appearance of the sky, but cannot discern the signs of the times?

Revelation 8:10,11
10And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters;

11And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.

So the Bible uses celestial bodies in its foretelling!

Let me be clear, we are to rely on God for everything in our life, and should not be affected by the times or the seasons or events, if God tells us to do something, then we should do it no matter what.

This Friday and Saturday night, 07/07/07, several churches were supposed to join in unity, and praise God for 24 hours on the Preseli mountains in South west Wales, the weather forecast however is rain, which means a possible muddy field. So the signs were read and the proposed event cancelled.

A fiew of us are still going down as we feel it is important.

Surely, this is how you read the signs. Oh! it's going to rain, but God told us to do this, so.... perhaps wellies and a raincoat.

Now after saying all this I am not suggesting that we all take up astrology, only that we do not add or take away from Gods written word and that we do take account of the signs around us and take appropriate measures in order to fulfill what God has called us to do.

Let us not move to the wisdom of this time, let us be true to God, the author and finisher of all things. Amen

Monday, 2 July 2007


It's a funny thing. You think you know something, but in reality you are ignorant and have merely interpreted what you have heared or seen to be accurate without actually checking it up yourself. What I am actually talking about here is ignorance. That is coming to a decision on something by examining the things around it, instead of actually knowing the truth.
Similarly, extrapolation is a method of determining the next point or action by comparing it to the ones surrounding it.
So what can you extrapolate that I am going to talk about from what I have said and what you know about me.
Don't know? Not sure? Do you think you maybe somewhat inaccurate in your answer.
Actually it's, Daniel, as in Daniel and the lions den. Now some of you may have worked out that it was going to be Biblical. Some of you me even have worked out that it was going to be about Daniel (unlikely). But why Daniel?

Daniel has always been a bit of a mystery to me, there was one thing that I never understood. He was a man after God. He would not eat meat sacrificed to false Gods. He would not worship the Persian King and furthermore he continued to worship and pray to God at the potential cost of his life. A man obviously sold out for God, who would not bend or fuzz the lines just to get a good result. In short a man obedient to Gods word no matter what the cost, and so to my dilemma and confusion, why oh why oh why would a man like this consult the stars i.e. astrology, if the bible says not to. Which is what he clearly does.
Yesterday my wife and I were discussing Astrology and the fact that if used correctly can be accurate, not forgetting however that the bible says not to consult the stars! Or does it?

More on this soon........

Thursday, 21 June 2007


Well, after some deliberation, it's happening, we are off to America, yesterday we bought the tickets and we are off in August for 4 weeks. Feels somewhat unreal, I never really felt any want or need to go to America, and this trip was only organised to help some friends, but now that it is a done deal, I am starting to feel something stirring inside me, and I believe it has something to do with my own and my family's destiny. I believe it is connected with the change I was talking about last month. There are some things happening in my family life that appear to be converging, and a change of some large proportion is on the cusp. Destiny can be a very strange thing, one can not see it, but one can recognise the start of it.
I have had several prophecies from God regarding my future, prophecies that made little sense at the time. Now a sense of beginning is taking place.
Praise God, in him my destiny is assured.

Saturday, 16 June 2007


I am right now listening to Thomas Dolby's last album, such a great writer, the four albums he did were all very different, but all owed something to their predecessors, it reminds me of the gigs I used to go to in the town and country club in kentish town. A fabulous venue, which has now become The Forum (the original cinema name). Quite often we get rid of the old just because it's old. New and old need to go hand in hand, they are apart of each other and are of equal importance. The old Town and country club is no more, long live The new Forum.

Sunday, 3 June 2007


My wife posed the question on one of her blogs: "Which is your favorite Disney villain to be at a party"
I Love Gaston, which is kind of odd as he is the sort of bloke I detested in school, there is something about him though that is endearing, perhaps it's just the song he sings, which is of course all about him. A typical rugby git if ever I saw one, all the teachers thought they were great, when in fact they were utter and complete total ba...... to anyone that didn't fit in with them.
Ah well, I would still love to play his part in some drama production.

Friday, 1 June 2007


I was playing the part of a wolf in Goldy locks, the three bears and the wolf on Thursday at a festival, a surreal experience at best. Anyway, that's by the by. What I actually want to talk about is the band also playing at the festival "This river". A fine bunch of musicians with wit, talent and stage presence, and for me the piece de resistance, a rocked up version of "Calon lan". Listening to them I though: "I used to be a singer, what happened." The fact is I still am a singer, but it really doesn't feel like it when your growling and rubbing jelly all over your face. Ah well, that's rock and roll for you lol.

Monday, 28 May 2007


Here are a couple of definitions of mysticism that I have found:

1) Someone who believes in the existence of realities beyond human understanding and having an experience not apparent to the senses nor obvious to the intelligence; beyond normal understanding. (online dictionary)

2) Mysticism is not an opinion; it is not a philosophy. It has nothing in common with the pursuit of occult knowledge .... It is the name of that organic process which involves the perfect consummation of the Love of God. (wikipedia)

My wife used this word on one of her web sites, calling herself a mystic Christian. The site was advertised on another Christian web site which was created to advertise and promote Christian ministries.
It's amazing how much trouble you can get into by using a seemingly straight forward word.
It seems to have taken on a meaning of it's own, particularly in the Christian community, and now suffers from the unfair and incorrect position that it is ungodly.
Anyhow, many complaints by fellow Christians were received by this site and we were asked to remove the link. Not wishing or indeed intending to cause any trouble, we did so immediately.
It's a sad turn of affairs, is it not, when not even brothers and sisters of the faith can communicate in love.
Ignorance is a poor reason for people to attach each other and certainly unacceptable in any so called civilized society, let alone a Christian one.
Ah well, at least my wife is in good company.

Sunday, 20 May 2007


My wife has tagged me to do this, So here we go:
Eight random facts about myself

  1. I can't stand practical jokes, don't play one on me or anyone I know because the one I play on you in retaliation will be 100 times worse.
  2. In times of stress I can become very lethargic to the point of sometimes falling asleep
  3. I am rubbish at paper work (probably some weird psychological hang up from school)
  4. School - I hated it
  5. I hate injustice and unfairness, particularly to others
  6. I Love being a husband and a father
  7. I tend to do things to the extreme
  8. I am very forgiving (except to practical jokers. lol.)
  9. I would like to be more generous
  10. Most people find me unfathomable (even psychologists), I am unpredictable. Quite often even I don't know what I'm going to do or say next
  11. I can' spell for toffee
Oh dear! how predictably unpredictable of me, I seem to have run over my quota. lol

Saturday, 12 May 2007


I believe I am at a crossroads. We all have these moments in life. Something inside us dies if we don't embrace and indeed activlly persue change.
What is it that compels us, why do we get board and uninterested in old things. Quite often we channel this feeling in the wrong direction. We change our car, change our kitchen, change all kinds of junk that we have bought, we even change our partners.
Maybe we should focus on our heart and it's desires instead of our mind, which very often runs after the next or latest or greatest fad or thing. Our mind will often decieve us as to the best course of action, where as our heart is connected to the truth, the core of who we are and where our destiny lies.

Tuesday, 8 May 2007


Sleep, to be reborn
Peaceful and content with him
Perfect in His arms

Monday, 7 May 2007


Waw, what a long day. Did the cordell festival today, it went very well.
We had to get up at 6am to drop off the kids with familly in order to arive at venue by 9am to set up and block out the stage. Got back home at 8pm.
Funny how feeling so tired can feel so good, too tired to write anymore........

Monday, 30 April 2007


To be silent is to be inactive. To be productive is to be proactive, spiritually or physically. Let us not be unproductive, but instead be true to who we are and what we are designed and destined to be. Action is care, inaction is not. Silence is not an action, it is a lac of action.

Lord we pray for all those affected all over the world by injustice, we ask that you comfort and strengthen them and lead them to you. Amen

Saturday, 28 April 2007


It's a strong word, father, it congers up all kinds of feelings, about your own father and about being a father. Sometimes they are good feelings sometimes not so good. I've just been tidying up after my three daughters, who have been throwing dried sweet corn all over the floor. One of the youngest, 3 years old, is not happy that I have stopped her from doing what she thought was a most enjoyable activity. She is at this moment still screaming the place down in disgust.
It made me think about how God must feel when I ask Him to clear the messes that I have made. I am sure that He feels none of the aggravation that I do, (oh to be perfect). So many times I take God for granted. Granted that He will always love me, always do the best for me, always direct me to clear up after the mess I've made or do it for me when it is beyond my capability. I don't always like what God says to me, as just like my daughter I am quite happy in the mess that I have made.
God however, I am fully aware, is my Father and is only trying to teach me the the right way to act. Hopefully, as I grow I will continue learning to listen and obey my Father, Who I Love.

Wednesday, 25 April 2007


Beautiful and pure,
there is no other like you.
For you are my home

Tuesday, 24 April 2007


I was walking in Cardiff last night, and wherever I walked, people either avoided me, became silent as I approached, talked and laughed about me after I went by, or looked intimidated or even scared, and what did I do to invoke such feeling?
I wore, black shoes, black trousers and a white shirt, an innocuous set of items, but wait. Just add two more items, a full length, matrix style coat and a black Aussie hat and that was enough. I had now become the most dangerous being on the face of the planet........... An individual!
It would seem that unless we fit in, conform, and become clone-like, in some strange ritualistic club, then we are labelled trouble or weird or worse! All this just for dressing differently. Disagreement, and difference it would seem, is enough to incite the strongest feelings and as witnessed throughout the world, quite often enough to incite war

Sunday, 22 April 2007


Rooted, I am rooted in what passes all understanding,
I am rooted in what cannot be shaken.
When the jackals claw at my feet,
When the vultures are greedy for my soul,
I know that I am rooted.
I will not break, I will not fall,
I will not change to suit.
I am rooted in the one thing that will never change
and He is rooted in me.


We have all heard the stories of Noah and the Ark, but were you aware that the Ark, or at least the outline of the ark was found over 10 years ago in the mountains of Ararat. This piece of news was worldwide publicised for a few days in the papers and on television and then pretty much forgotten about.
Yesterday, with family and friends I visited Noah's arc zoo in Bristol, I am ashamed to say that my first thoughts when finding out it was run by Christians was "Oh no, it's going to be a bit rubbish." How wrong could I have been, I could wax lyrical about it's facilities and fill this site, but why not visit it yourself? Seeing is believing as they say, or maybe believing is seeing!

For more information on the Ark discovery visit

Friday, 20 April 2007


To have insight into anything, requires a deeper understaning than just knowledge. Insight is an ability to live and breath situations on an emotional and spiritual level beyond every day living, but where does it come from? I believe I have insight into the Cordell plays that I am learning, but what asures me that I am right on any level.
Does insight flow naturally from us, or is there more at work here? Is it possible that there is another source to our revelations. We must agree that we are not the making of ourselves. Can we take credit for the colour and beauty of your eyes, when we clearly had nothing to do with their creation.

Our abilities, no matter what they may be, surely are beyond our own understanding, we just accept them for what they are.
Insight is a gift, and like all gifts, we have had no hand in their creation, but we do have the responsiblity to use them wisely and correctly.


I am currently learning my lines for several parts of three of Alexander Cordell's books: "The fire people", "Rape of the fair country" and "Song of the earth. A task to which I am not best suited. I was never any good at remembering stuff at school and as a result hated exams and pritty much hated school, which is quite strange as I am now a teacher myself. Anyhow, I had a practice tonight with the rest of my thespian friends and it actually went very well, which is just as well as our performance is in two weeks time.

Wednesday, 18 April 2007


There are many different paths that we can take, and the possibilities are mind boggling to say the least. Just by leaving the house a minute earlier a whole different set of events will play out, which will in turn affect your whole day, which will in turn affect the month, the year, your life. So how can we possibly make decisions on the right way to go? How arrogant would we need to be to believe that we can control our destiny by our own thoughts and actions, when we clearly have no idea what the next minute will bring.

The future is beyond our understanding therefore, no matter how well we believe we have planned it, it is certain that it will be different to the one we envisaged. "A way" to live our life is haphazard at best and foolish to any logical way of thinking.
The only option then must be to choose "The Way" designed and specifically tailored to us personally, and no human is capable of giving us that!


We are all alive, a statement that we must agree on, or are we?

Is life the same as existence? I exist but does that mean I am alive? A stone exists but we dno't say that it has life.

To exist is to be, to occupy a space, but to have life surely is to fulfill your purpose in your existence. So how can we know what our purpose is? No other person can tell us as they do not know their own, and you can only teach what you know yourself.

We must therefore look further and deeper within us to discover the truth about who we are and in that, we will discover Life, for life is in us.


We all have faith of one sort or another. But how far does that faith go? I have faith that my car will start tomorrow to get me to work, but the car could let me down and then it could be said that my faith has let me down or even failed me.

So is my faith misplaced if it can let me down? We all have to deal with this issue of faith on a daily basis - and it could be said that we are all let down on a daily basis.
So if faith in things and people that fail is misplaced, then where should it be placed? Surely we are actually talking about trust and not faith, as faith will always come through, or else it was misguided and without merit.
Faith placed in things that can let us down is surely absurd. So while we may trust in things and people, to have faith in them is asking too much, as all things on this earth are fallible, i.e. all things and people on this earth are capable of breaking down.

Faith surely must always be in something that goes beyond what we attribute to trust. Faith must be the truth or it is nothing.


What is the truth?
Is it the same as fact?

Science has come up with many facts over the years, but these seem to have changed as time has moved on. It also gets confused with theory. Science once theorized that we evolved from apes and this some how entered the general public's mind as fact. Science however no longer believes this to be true.
Here is another case in point. Science once stated that the speed of light was a constant, this theory also has been ditched as they now believe that the speed of light decreases as it passes a strong magnetic field.
Truth, if it is anything, surely is never changing and never contradicts itself, something that science does on a near monthly basis. By this calculation alone we must come to the conclusion that science is not truth. So what is?
The statement "What is true for you" must also be reasoned as being unacceptable as that implies that truth varies depending on an individuals beliefs. What is actually being spoken about here is opinion based on circumstances and (genetics, if you adhere to such beliefs).
So truth can not be refuted, otherwise it is not the truth, merely an opinion or theory or (fact, also known as science)

Truth can always be challenged but will always stand any kind of test and it is what I try to live my life by: The Truth